Fiber isi iyi laser |UV |CO2 |Akwụkwọ ndụ akwụkwọ ndụ |Picosecond |Nkeji abụọ
RAYCUS MOPA usoro China | 20W|60W|100W|
Raycus MOPA Pulsed Fiber Laser 20W 30W 50W 100W The warara pulse (A na-akpọkwa MOPA) eriri laser nke RaycusLaser hibere nwere ike dị elu (20-100W), ike dị elu (≤15kW), ọtụtụ obosara usu nke 2-350ns, mgbanwe ugboro ugboro ugboro nso (10-1000kHz), usu edozi oge dị mkpirikpi, na usu obosara nwere ike gbanwee na ezigbo oge… , ihe... -
Igwe ọkụ dị elu Direct Diode Laser 1500W-3000W - usoro LV 975nm
980NM 975nm dioder na 1500w 3000w na ezigbo ngwa na-enwu enwu na-enwu ọkụ na-enwu enwu 0.15 Fiber Connector - QBH Fiber Length m 15m (Nhọrọ 20m) Aming Beam Wavelength nm 650 mmepụta Ike mW 2 Eletrical Operation Mode - CW/Modulate Modulat... -
980nm Direct Diode Laser 800W-1000W - LF Series 976nm
980NM 976NM 976NM na-eduzi ihe dị iche iche na 800W 1000w na-eme atụmatụ na-enweghị anya NM 976 Outwer R 800/1000 Ntanetị Ntụpụ Ntụle μm 220 ọnụọgụ abụọ Aperture NA <0.2<0.22 Njikọ Fiber - QBH Fiber Length m 10m (Nhọrọ 15m) Aming Beam Wavelength nm 650 Mpụta Ike mW 2 Eletrical Operation Mode - CW/Modulate ... -
980nm Direct Diode Laser 40W-500W - LM Series 915/976nm
980nm 915 / 976nm Direct Diode Laser na 40W 100W 160W 200W 250W 350W 500W LM Series na-eji ọgbọ ọhụrụ semiconductor laser modul nke nwere ikike ikike ọgụgụ isi nke onwe zuru oke, nke a na-arụ ọrụ nke ọma na njikwa ike dị elu na etiti microprocessor alloy. housing.The mmepụta laser wavelengths bụ 915 ± 20nm na 976 ± 20nm, na a eriri isi dayameta nke 200μm / 400μm na ihe electro-optical ntụgharị arụmọrụ nke n'elu 52%.Comp... -
980nm Direct Diode Laser 3000W-6000W - LF Series 976nm
980nm 976nm Direct Diode Laser na 3000W 4000W 6000W LF Series Direct Doiode Laser mmepụta laser wavelength 976nm, fiber core dayameta 600μm, electro-optical ntughari arụmọrụ nke elu arụmọrụ nke ntụgharị eletrọnịkị anya karịrị 43%.E jiri ya tụnyere laser fiber ọdịnala, ọ nwere uru nke ọnụego mgbanwe electro-optical dị elu, ike kwụsiri ike na ogologo ogologo, usoro kọmpat, ọnụego ọdịda dị ala, ọrụ dị mma, akụ na ụba na nke bara uru, nnabata dị elu ... -
MOPA Fiber Laser – JPT LP 20W 30W 50W
JPT MOPA Fiber Laser Source LP Series 20W,30W,50W,60W,100W Usoro JPT LP bụ laser eriri nke na-eji nhazi ihe nrụpụta ike oscillator (MOPA), nwere njirimara laser dị elu yana ezigbo njikwa udi usu.E jiri ya tụnyere Q-switched fiber lasers, LP series lasers nwere mgbanwe ka ukwuu, nwere ike nweta ọtụtụ mgbanwe ugboro ugboro, ma nwee nhazi njikwa dị elu.Tụnyere ngwaahịa usoro M, isi mmalite mkpụrụ na-eji ụgwọ waveform, t ... -
Ultraviolet (UV) Laser 355nm- JPT Lark 3W Ikuku ikuku
JPT UV Laser Lark Series 355nm, 3W, Air Cooling Lark-355-3A bụ ngwaahịa UV kachasị ọhụrụ nke usoro Lark, nke na-anabata usoro njikwa thermal na-ejikọta conduction okpomọkụ dissipation na ikuku convection okpomọkụ dissipation.E jiri ya tụnyere Akara-355-3S, ọ dịghị achọ mmiri chiller.N'iji ya tụnyere ụdị ndị ọzọ, n'ihe gbasara ngwa anya, obosara usu dị warara (<18ns @ 40 KHZ), ugboro ugboro ugboro dị elu (40KHZ), ogo beam dị mma (M2≤1.2), na ntụpọ dị elu rou.. . -
Laser Wave Fiber Laser na-aga n'ihu - Raycus Single-Modul 300W-2000W
Raycus CW Fiber Laser 250W, 500W, 750W, 1000W, 1500W, 2000W Ọgbọ nke atọ otu-modul CW (efegharị na-aga n'ihu) laser fiber laser nke Raycus laser mepụtara na-ekpuchi nkezi mmepụta ike site na 300W ruo 2000W.Ọgbọ ọgbọ ọhụrụ laser nwere uru dị ka arụmọrụ ntụgharị electro-optic dị elu, ịdị mma beam dị mma, njupụta ume dị elu, ugboro ugboro modulation, ntụkwasị obi dị elu, ogologo ndụ ogologo, na enweghị mmezi.Ọ nakweere ihe kachasị ọgbọ nke abụọ ngwa anya eriri nnyefe usoro ka en ... -
Isi Iyi Laser Picosecond China |IR |UV |Green 5-70W Huaray
China Picosecond Laser na Infrared, Ultraviolet, Green maka Laser Processing Huaray Laser (Ụlọ ọrụ etinyere ego nke JCZ) na-etolite ma na-arụpụta laser picosecond ultrafast nke a pụrụ ịdabere na ya na ogologo ogologo nke infrared 1064nm, Ultraviolet 355nm, na Green 532nm nwere ike nke 5W. 10W, 20W, 30W, 60W, na 70W maka akara nkenke dị elu, ịgbado ọkụ, na mkpụrụ nke iko, FPC, PCB, LCD, OLED, seramiiki, ihe nkiri, wafer, taabụ batrị… Isi atụmatụ - onwe-mepụtara na arụpụtara cor.. . -
China Femtosecond Laser Isi iyi 10W 30W 40W
China Femtosecond Laser na infrared maka Laser Cutting, Welding, Micro Processing… Huaray Laser (A nyekwara ụlọ ọrụ nke JCZ) na-emepe emepe na-arụpụta pụrụ ịdabere femtosecond ultrafast laser HR-Femto usoro nke ulo oru-larịị eriri femtosecond lasers.A na-ekewa ha n'ime usoro HR-Femto-10 (10 μJ), HR-Femto-50 (50 μJ), na HR-Femto-50HE (80 μJ), bụ ndị a kwadoro, ntụkwasị obi dị ukwuu, ma nwee ike iji 24/ 7.A na-edozi obosara nke usu laser nke <350 fs ma ọ bụ <350 fs ka 5 ps... -
Ultraviolet (UV) Laser 355nm- JPT Akara 3W 5W 10W 15W
JPT UV Laser Seal Series 355nm, 3W, 5W Tulee ya na IR laser, usoro laser UV na-agbaji ihe njikọ kemịkalụ, Usoro ahụ na-emepụta obere okpomọkụ iji belata mmetụta thermal, ihe edoziri na-atụgharị gaa na ọkwa Atom, belata mmetọ na nke ahụ. gburugburu ebe obibi.Njirimara nke laser UV dị mkpụmkpụ n'ogologo, obere ntụpọ ntụpọ, ike siri ike, ngwọta dị elu, ọ dị mma maka akara nkenke, ihe achọrọ linewidth dị warara, akara dị elu, obere mmetụta ọkụ, yana yana ... -
Ultraviolet (UV) Laser 355nm- Huaray China Polar 3W, 5W, 10W Mmiri jụrụ oyi
Huaray UV (Ultraviolet) Laser Source 355nm 3W, 5W, 12W Water Cooling The Poplar series nanosecond UV lasers na-enye ihe ọhụrụ na-na-otu imewe, nke dị mfe maka mwekota.obosara usu dị warara na elu ugboro, obere thermal mmetụta na nhazi n'akụkụ, na elu arụmọrụ nwere ike nweta.N'otu oge ahụ na-arụ ọrụ mgbanwe ugboro atọ, nke nwere ike ịgbatị ndụ laser nke ọma.Na ọrụ nleba anya n'ịntanetị nhọrọ iji zute ọnọdụ na-achọsi ike nke usoro mmepụta ihe ... -
MOPA Fiber Laser China- JPT M7 20W-200W
JPT MOPA Pulsed Fiber Laser Source M7 Series 20W,30W,60W,100W,200W Usoro laser nke JPT M7 bụ laser fiber nwere ike dị elu nke na-eji nhazi ihe nrụpụta ike oscillator.Ọ nwere njirimara laser zuru oke yana ike njikwa udi pulse dị mma.E jiri ya tụnyere Q-switched fiber laser, ugboro pulse na obosara nke MOPA fiber laser bụ nke a na-achịkwa onwe ya.Site n'ịgbanwe na dakọtara na abụọ laser parameters, a na-adịgide adịgide elu elu ike mmepụta na obosara ... -
Q-Switched Pulsed Fiber Laser – Raycus RFL 20W |30W |50W |100W |
Raycus Q-Switched Pulsed Fiber Laser 20W, 30W, 50W, 100W Usoro laser pulsed fiber 10-100W nke Raycus Laser bidoro bụ akara ọkwa ọkwa ụlọ ọrụ yana laser micro-processing nke Raycus Laser mepụtara.Usoro a nke pulsed lasers nwere àgwà nke elu elu ike, elu otu usu ume, na nhọrọ ntụpọ dayameta size.Enwere ike iji ha mee ihe n'ọtụtụ ebe maka akara laser, nhazi nkenke, ihe osise eserese na-abụghị ọla, ọla edo dị elu, ọla ọcha, ọla kọpa, aluminom, ... -
Ike dị elu Q-Switched Pulsed Fiber Laser – Raycus RFL 100W-1000W
Ike dị elu Raycus Q-Switched Pulsed Fiber Laser 100W, 200W, 300W, 500W, 1000W Usoro ọhụrụ nke ngwaahịa laser pulsed fiber laser hibere site na Raycus nwere ike dị elu (100-1000W), ike otu usu dị elu, nkesa edo. ntụpọ ike, adaba ojiji, na free-mmezi, wdg Ọ bụ ihe Idea nhọrọ maka ulo oru ngwa na ebu n'elu ọgwụgwọ, ụgbọala n'ichepụta, ụgbọ mmiri ụlọ ọrụ, petrochemical, na roba taya n'ichepụta industries… Gịnị mere ịzụta si ... -
Quasi Continuous Wave (QCW) Fiber Laser – Raycus China 120W-800W
Raycus QCW Fiber Laser 120W 150W, 300W , ma bụrụ ezigbo nhọrọ maka laser YAG na-agbapụta ọkụ dị ugbu a.Ọ bụ ezigbo nhọrọ maka ngwa ụlọ ọrụ na-achọ ogologo obosara usu na ike dị elu dị ka ịgbado ọkụ ntụpọ, ịgbado ọkụ ọnụ, na mkpọpu mmiri.Mmepe na mmepụta... -
Na-aga n'ihu Wave (CW) China Fiber Laser – Raycus Multi-Module 1500W-12000W
Raycus CW Fiber Laser 1500W 2200W njupụta, obosara modulation ugboro, elu ntụkwasị obi, ogologo ndụ, na-enweghị mmezi.Enwere ike iji ya mee ihe n'ọtụtụ ebe na nhazi laser dị ka ịgbado ọkụ, ịcha nkenke, mkpuchi, ọgwụgwọ elu, mbipụta 3D, na mpaghara ndị ọzọ.Ọ...